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A new year, new possibilities.

There are people who choose a word to focus on for the year. I have occasionally done this for myself. Last year my word was gratitude. It helped me count my blessings and thank the Lord, bringing contentment and joy to my heart. This year, the word that comes to mind for me is consider. There is truly so much for us to consider every moment of every day. I want to consider my words before I speak—will they bless or harm, encourage or discourage, bring life or death, build up or tear down. (I also need to consider when to hold my tongue and keep silent.) This year I will endeavor to consider my thoughts because they affect my attitude and impact the direction of my day and life. I want to consider my actions and how they impact others—they do have a ripple effect. I’d like to reflect and consider what I am considering throughout the day. Where am I focused and is it fulfilling my God-given purpose? What distractions am I preoccupied by? What emotions am I letting run wild in my mind? What doubts am I allowing to discourage my heart? Am I dwelling on past regrets or considering God’s mercy and grace, and grabbing hold of fresh possibilities? Am I worrying about concerns rather than offering them to the Lord in prayer?

There is so much to consider!

The Bible is filled with treasures on which we are meant to consider:

Consider God’s glory when we look to the heavens.

Consider His provisions when we give thanks and break bread.

Consider His love when we look to the Cross of Calvary.

Jesus shared great wisdom on the concept of consider:

And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” Matthew 6:27-29

Considering the beautiful flowers of the field will remind me that God cares about the smallest details of His creation—He sends rain and sun to make the seeds grow, sprout, and bloom. He will surely provide for me—He will refresh me with His love, His Word from the Bible, His Holy Spirit who lives inside of me. The more I consider God’s Presence in my life, the more I will grow, sprout, and bloom, and make my life a fragrant aroma too.

The greatest thing for us to consider is that God is good all the time; He hears our prayers and meets our needs in abundant supply. Considering Him will impact everything that flows out of you and me.

Here’s to considering good things this year!


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