Jesus wisely teaches us to seek Him and His Kingdom first, giving Him priority over everything else in our lives—even above ourselves and our loved ones. He promises that by seeking Him first everything else we need in this life will be added to us.
We gain a new heavenly perspective by seeking Jesus and His Kingdom first; He aligns our hearts and our minds to His and prioritizes our lives according to His will.
When we seek Jesus first, contentment fills our hearts, our endless strivings cease, our obsession with money and worldly possessions takes a backseat—instead of being our idol, they become rather an end to our means of serving each other. Our homes become places of hospitality and invitation, of safety and refuge where others are always welcome. When we give Jesus His rightful place in our lives, our worries, our fears, our judgements, jealousies, and world views fall by the wayside. With Him as our focus our purpose comes into view with new-found clarity.
Everything we have—the breath in our lungs, the words on our tongues, the roof over our heads, and the ability of our hands, all comes from and belongs to Jesus, and are meant to be used for His Kingdom. Our blessings are meant to be enjoyed and held loosely, keeping in mind that we are merely stewards of all the gifts that God gives.
The Bible tells us to seek Jesus first, last, and always.
Jesus is on the Throne and he has our life in His loving Hands.
Matthew 6:32-34, “For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”