How do we best reflect Jesus in this world? With gentleness, moderation, reasonableness, consideration, and a gentle spirit.
Philippians 4:5, “Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.” NIV
NASB—gentle spirit
“Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon.” NLT
Lord, I pray that as I wait for Your glorious return, You would help me to remain steadfast in my faith, rooted in Your love, and overflowing with kindness—representing You well in everything I say and do. Help me to put others first, considering their needs above my own. Help me to live and love with You always at the forefront of my mind and remembering that You are coming soon. Use me to point others to Jesus, so that they are ready and eager for that Day too. You are good and gracious, full of mercy and kindness. May my life be a reflection of all that is true of You. Amen.