I have devoted the recent spring and summer months to studying the Book of Revelation. It is a lofty undertaking but one that comes with great rewards. From the opening words to the final phrases, the Bible details God’s love for humanity. The entire Bible bears witness to Jesus Christ. The Old Testament foretells His first coming— a time when He would give His life on the Cross to purchase our salvation and redeem us from the curse of sin and death. The New Testament points us towards a yet future time when Jesus will return in glory. At the sound of a trumpet, He will call His children to meet Him in the clouds to reside with Him forever. This is the hope that we cling to. He has not left us here as orphans but has promised to come again and gather us to be with Him someday. We don’t know the day or the hour, but we can rest assured that it will happen.
Over the summer I traveled to the city of Valencia, Spain. While there, I wandered into a special cathedral which is reported to display the cup—also known as the chalice— that Jesus drank from on the night before His crucifixion. It was a lovely and much needed respite from the busy, hot and humid day. As I entered through the doorway the coolness quickly refreshed my body, and time pausing on a pew to pray renewed my weary spirit. While exploring this grand and beautiful old church, I viewed many paintings depicting ancient Biblical stories. But the one that took my breath away, was the one that captured the scene of things yet to come—Jesus appearing on the clouds and believers being gathered to Him. It was a glorious portrayal of an imminent event, that brought a contended smile to my face. Jesus’ return in the heavenlies ushers in is the eternal peace, joy, and hope that awaits God’s children.
Every time I glance up and see clouds with beams of sunshine radiating through, I am reminded of Jesus’ promise to return for me and to make all things new.
“Behold, I am coming soon!” Revelation 22:12
“And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.” Matthew 24:31
