Knowing that God’s love towards me steadfastly endures forever enables me to steadfastly endure difficult moments and days. Knowing that He will never leave me or forsake me is a comfort for my soul and the boost of strength I need. Believing that His love for me cannot be shaken, or diminished, or taken away, helps my confidence in Him and in my identity as His child to remain unshaken as well. Knowing that His love for me is not fleeting but will last from now throughout eternity comforts my heart and lightens the burdens of my soul. Heaven is my God-ordained destiny, but for now, the Lord walks with me daily in Spirit here on earth; someday though I will encounter Him face-to-face, and the love and glory of His Presence will forever light my way.
God’s love for me endures forever—and that’s a really long time.
Just knowing this helps me confidently endure until the glorious Day that I gaze directly in His beautiful Face.
Psalm 9:10, “Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.”
