I love the prospect of adventure and the thought of discovering something entirely new; wondering what's around the next corner, taking in a fresh view. I approach this curiosity with a fair dose of calculated caution though. I don’t like getting hurt, I love feeling safe, and I don’t ever hope to encounter a perilous snake. I enjoy the thrill of new encounters as long as I'm certain that in the end I’ll have no broken bones and still be in one piece. A healthy balance of fearless abandon and fearful control are the way I like to approach my adventures. But this is no way for me to approach my faith. My adventures with Jesus should always and only be ones of complete abandon; there's no room for my faint-hearted micro-management. I know that wherever Jesus leads me, I will be safe in His hands. He doesn’t always reveal His plans ahead of time, but by knowing and trusting His good character, a sense of wonder, anticipation, and delight overtake any feelings of dread.
It’s all or nothing when it comes to following Jesus. He tells me to be brave, and asks me to pick up my two feet and jump alongside. Although His path might not always be clear or easy, and often it feels like an uphill climb, His way promises to be a journey that will strengthen my faith and ultimately bring me to the most remarkable destination.
Psalm 119:35, “Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight.”

This photo was taken on the grounds of the Palace of Versailles.