Lord, Your Law is perfect, and Your ways are just. Your holy standard remains the same throughout the ages; Your perfect measure of righteousness stands the test of time; Your commands for Your children lead to the path of goodness that is everlasting.
I know that someday we will all stand before Your Throne—Your Word says that those who rejected Your love and mocked Your glory will not be found listed in the Book of Life, but rather be named in the book of the dead. They will be held accountable for the sins they committed and celebrated throughout their lives. The crushing consequences of their choices will weigh heavy upon their own shoulders; as uncomfortable as this makes us, they will experience eternity without You just as they had chosen during their life on earth. We trust in Your perfect justice.
In contrast, those who placed their faith in Jesus and trusted Him as their Savior will indeed hear their names called out as the Book of Life is read for all to hear. They will stand before Your Throne with glory crowing their heads. The price and punishment for their sins having already been paid in full when Jesus gave His life on the Cross. We trust in Your perfect love.
The judgement the children of God anticipate is not one of condemnation, but rather one that tests the enduring quality of our works—how did we invest our time, treasure, and talents with the life we were given on earth? Did we love others and show them mercy? Did we forgive trespasses committed against us and offer up grace? Did we share what we had with those in need? Did we encourage others with the Message of Jesus? Did we pass on God’s blessings of peace? Did we share the hope that we have within us? Did we shine like the stars in the night sky and spread joy in the darkened world? Did we point others to the Savior with our testimony and actions? Did we live our lives according to the Word of God?
Lord, Your measure of perfection is holy love; Your standard of justice is found in the Cross; Your guide to righteousness is found in Your unchanging Word.
When I stand before Your Throne someday, I hope to hear the words, “Well done, My good and faithful servant,” spoken of me. I pray that my life on this planet was well-invested in Your Kingdom by sharing the Hope of the world. As I look back someday, I pray to see that my life was used to spur others on toward faith in the Savior—that my life had eternal impact and value leading others to join me in the Family of God. I pray that my life represented Your perfect love, justice, and righteousness. Amen.
Matthew 25:21, “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’”