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Enter In

Lord, we, the people You created in Your very Own Image, come before You humble in heart, overcome with awe and wonder. As we enter Your holy Presence our worries are appeased, our fears are calmed, our busy minds cease, our hearts are filled, and our bodies are stilled as Your Spirit washes over us; our eyes are opened and our ears attuned, as we expectantly wait for what You have to say. In Your Presence we find peace that passes understanding, joy that exceeds our circumstances, and hope that helps us press on; we find love that holds us securely in Your Almighty grasp. In Your Presence blessings pour out and surround us. In Your Presence, all our needs are met, beyond what we could ask for or imagine.

As we enter Your Presence in the course of our days, our lives are powerfully impacted, and our hearts forever changed.

As we enter Your holy and glorious Presence, we can’t help but gain a right perspective and respond with gratitude, thanksgiving, and praise. Amen.

Psalm 21:6, “Surely you have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence.”

I surely felt the unending blessings and joy of the Lord while sailing on the Sea of Galilee.


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